How to Improve Your Memory - 5 Easy Rules For Improving Your Memory
5 Easy Memory Improvement Rules
by Stacey Wright
We all suffer from a fading memory and bouts of forgetfulness, as a natural part of the aging process. In the August, 2013 Harvard Health Letter, (published monthly by Harvard University) Anthony Komaroff, M.D., addressed the issue of enhancing memory. In his column Ask the Doctor, Dr. Komaroff answered a reader’s concerns about forgetfulness by offering his 5 “simple tricks”. They are:
Rule 1: Avoid multitasking and focus. When someone is talking to you, look at the person and listen closely. If you miss something, ask the person to repeat it.
Rule 2: The moment you hear something you don’t understand, seek clarification at that moment, if at all possible. When someone says something you want to understand but don’t, ask questions. For one thing, you’ll be surprised by how often others you ask are delighted by your questions, because it shows you really are interested in what they say.
Rule 3: This may sound silly, but brain studies show that you will remember new information more effectively if you repeat it to yourself or out loud as soon as you can after learning it.
Rule 4: Don’t ignore small tasks because they’re small; just get them done as soon as you can. Otherwise they’ll pile up, and you will forget them.
Rule 5: Write things down. This actually helps reinforce your memory of them.
With the upcoming holiday season, and all the additional responsibilities it brings, right now is a great time to put these rules to the test. Chances are that by utilizing these simple tricks your events will be more enjoyable, smoother and well, more memorable!
Great and pithy article. In fact, since people aren't taught how to listen effectively, most of this equally applies to people of all ages. Good on you for including this on your site!