I had no idea how blessed we all would be by having Courtney and Stacey come in to our lives. They navigated a very complicated situation with flawless finesse and assisted me in getting my Grandparents into an overall better situation.
Jeff O'Brien

Food Bank Of Santa Barbara County

North County (nc)
490 W. Foster Rd.
Santa Maria, CA 93455
Phone: (805) 937-3422
Fax: (805) 937-8750 

South County (sc)
4554 Hollister Ave.
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Phone: (805) 967-5741
Fax: (805) 683-4951

Visit site


office: (805) 966-0073 
cell: (805)689-7774
fax: (805) 585-5413
email: [email protected]

Office Location:

1482 East Valley Road
Suite 15
Santa Barbara, CA 93108

Mailing Address:

1482 E. Valley Rd.
Suite 42
Santa Barbara, CA 93108